hair care Archive

TOP 5 – the best hair products with coconut oil

Coconut oil is highly popular both in the kitchen and cosmetics. Few of us know that ‘coconut’ means ‘the tree of a thousand uses’ in the Malay language. Thanks to valuable minerals, vitamins and the structure similar to human protein, coconut oil is ideal for thick and heavy low porosity hair. It is often used in the blend of oils; thanks to its content, other …

Which brands’ coconut oil to choose for hair care?

Hair care requires proper preparation, not only substantive, because we have to know how to take care of them, but we also have to know what tools or cosmetic to use. Great in hair care is coconut oil for hair, which is rich in its composition, effectiveness and availability. Unrefined coconut oil is rich in fatty acids (91% of saturated and two unsaturated – Omega-9 …

Proven Ways on Coconut Oil on Hair

Coconut oil was used in hair care for ages – for a long time now is known and liked in the equatorial regions. However, currently it is more and more willingly used in other parts of the world, particularly for hair care. If you wonder, how to use coconut oil for hair care, then read this article. OIL TREATMENT Oil treatment is very popular hair …

Hair Cosmetics with Coconut Oil (DIY)

One of the most popular hair care oils is coconut oil, and more precisely coconut butter (it is one of those cosmetics, which have solid consistency). We love it for its scent, formula, and most of all rich properties of coconut oil, especially on hair. That is what we are going to discuss today, by introducing the most popular ideas for hair cosmetic with coconut …